Accueil > Catégories de produits > Imprimerie et édition > Publishing
Publishing is the process of producing literature, music or information and making it available to the general public.
Industrie : Imprimerie et édition
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Imprimerie et édition; Éditions
The specialized vocabulary peculiar to a specific occupation, profession, or social group. Also, obscure or unintelligible communication, as language that is characterized by pretentious vocabulary, ...
Imprimerie et édition; Éditions
A friction tool, sometimes spring-loaded to ensure consistent pressure, for making something smooth or lustrous; derived from "polish". Print will not smudge after burnishing. See slur, mezzotint, ...
marque de service
Imprimerie et édition; Éditions
Un propriétaire à terme ou un symbole (c'est à dire: SM) qui distingue le fournisseur d'un service distinctif. Comparer la marque.
Imprimerie et édition; Éditions
A verb (ie: be, seem, look, etc) that serves as a connecting link or establishes an identity between subject and complement ; also called "linking verb". See parts of speech. Also, the connecting ...
tons continus
Imprimerie et édition; Éditions
Artwork which may entail the full spectrum of tonal gradations, from dark to light; abbreviated "contone". In order to print graduated artwork on an offset press, continuous tone images must be ...
gens de lettres
Imprimerie et édition; Éditions
Persons of literary or scholarly attainments; also known as "intellectuals". See intelligentsia, immortals, litterateur, poet laureate, writer.
secrétariat de rédaction
Imprimerie et édition; Éditions
Le bureau au cours de laquelle la copie (qv) est édité et prêt pour l'impression, en particulier dans un bureau de journal ou un magazine. Voir deskman, fishbowl, jante, fente, copyedit, ...