Accueil > Catégories de produits > Imprimerie et édition > Publishing
Publishing is the process of producing literature, music or information and making it available to the general public.
Industrie : Imprimerie et édition
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Imprimerie et édition; Éditions
The enlarged and indented initial capital letter of a composition, such that its top is level with the first line of the first paragraph, and subsequent lines are flush with the outline of the ...
Imprimerie et édition; Éditions
The withdrawal or revocation and retrieval of a product due to defect or other liability, as to order back or "callback" for public safety, consumer information, and the like. Retrieval summons for ...
Imprimerie et édition; Éditions
A duplicate of a busy archive website maintained on another network, which is created to speed access and to reduce the traffic load on the source site; also called "mirror site". Also, to write data ...
pli séparé
Imprimerie et édition; Éditions
Une impression (par exemple: brochure) ou publication (par exemple: newsletter) qui utilise un papier plus épais à l'extérieur qu'est utilisée en interne, de sorte que l'emballage extérieur protège ...
Imprimerie et édition; Éditions
A tiny slice of semiconducting material on which a transistor or an integrated circuit is formed; also called "microchip". A transistor is a compact solid-state device consisting of a semiconductor ...
sens de lecture
Imprimerie et édition; Éditions
Toute installation, plaque ou image que vous pourrez facilement prépresse inspectés, parce qu'il semble le même que son impression. Comparer la lecture erronée ; Voir l'illustration.
linéature de trame
Imprimerie et édition; Éditions
Number of rows or lines of dots per inch (or centimeter) in a screen tint or halftone, representing a density ratio of fill to background; also called "line count", "screen value", "screen ...
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