Created by: farooq92
Number of Blossarys: 47
Avatar is a 2009 American epic science fiction action film directed, written, co-produced, and co-edited by James Cameron, and starring Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, Joel David Moore, Giovanni Ribisi, and Sigourney Weaver. The film is set in the mid-22nd century, when humans are mining a precious mineral called unobtanium on Pandora, a lush habitable moon of a gas giant in the Alpha Centauri star system. Avatar was released internationally on more than 14,000 screens. Avatar earned $3,537,000 from midnight screenings domestically (United States and Canada), with the initial 3D release limited to 2,200 screens. The film earned $26,752,099 on its opening day, and $77,025,481 over its opening weekend, making it the second largest December opening ever behind I Am Legend. Avatar grossed $760,507,625 in the U.S. and Canada, and $2,021,767,547 in other territories for a worldwide total of $2,782,275,172 with 72.7% of its total worldwide gross in international markets.
Avatar je 2009 americký epickej sci-fi akčný film režíroval, ukončení, koprodukcia a James Cameron, a Starému Sam Worthington, Zoe Saldana, Stephen Lang, Michelle Rodriguez, Joel David Moore, Giovanni Ribisi a Sigourney Weaver editoval spoločne. Film sa odohráva v polovici-22. storočí, kedy ľudia ťažby drahých minerálnych unobtanium vyzval Pandora, svieža obývateľné mesiac Joviálna hviezdnej sústavy Alfa Centauri. Avatar bol vydaný medzinárodne viac ako 14.000 obrazoviek. Avatar zarobil $3,537,000 od polnoci premietanie na domácom trhu (USA a Kanada), s počiatočným release 3D obmedzené na 2200 obrazoviek. Film získal $26,752,099 v deň jeho začatia, a $77,025,481 nad jeho otvorenia víkend, čo je druhé najväčšie otvorenie decembri niekedy za I Am Legend. Avatar zarobil $760,507,625 v USA a Kanady, a $2,021,767,547 na iných územiach po celom svete celkom $2,782,275,172 72.7% jeho celkovej celosvetovej hrubý na medzinárodných trhoch.