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Indicates the space relationships of windings and changing values of the recurring cycles of A.C. voltages and currents. Due to the positioning (or the phase relationship) of the windings, the various voltages and currents will not be similar in all aspects at any given instant. Each winding will lead or lag another, in position. Each voltage will lead or lag another voltage, in time. Each current will lead or lag another current, in time. The most common power supplies are either single (10) or three phase (with 120 electrical degrees between the 3 phases).

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Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Restaurants Catégorie : Fast food ₁

happy meal

Happy Meals su jela iz McDonald'sa namijenjena djeci. Prvi puta su došla na tržište 1979. Happy Meals se obično sastoje od izbora hamburger ili ...