Accueil > Termes > Kazakh (KK) > еріген (сұйық) газ

еріген (сұйық) газ

Natural gas originally in solution within the reservoir crude oil. As the reservoir pressure is reduced due to production, gas is released from solution in the oil, allowing it to migrate as free gas to a wellbore and be produced or to the crest of the reservoir where it can collect and form a secondary gas cap. In addition, gas is released from solution in the oil within the wellbore as the oil is produced. Thus, most oil wells, except stripper wells producing from reservoirs where the pressure and solution gas has been depleted, produce gas with the oil. Even oil fields with no free gas originally present can produce large volumes of gas since considerable gas can be present in solution in the oil.

  • Partie du discours : nom
  • Synonyme(s) :
  • Blossaire :
  • Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Énergie
  • Catégorie : Gaz naturel
  • Company: AGA
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Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Astronomie Catégorie : Galaxie

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