Accueil > Termes > Kazakh (KK) > модельге негізделген кодтаушы

модельге негізделген кодтаушы

Communicating a higher-level model of the image than pixels is an active area of research. The idea is to have the transmitter and receiver agree on the basic model for the image; the transmitter then sends parameters to manipulate this model in lieu of picture elements themselves. Model-based decoders are similar to computer graphics rendering programs. The model-based coder trades generality for extreme efficiency in its restricted domain. Better rendering and extending of the domain are research themes.

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  • Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Loisirs
  • Catégorie : Vidéo
  • Company: Tektronix
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Ұлы Американдық Шегу

Observed every year since 1977, the Great American Smokeout takes place on the third Thursday of November. Sponsored by the American Cancer Society, ...