Accueil > Termes > Kazakh (KK) > объективті абстракция

объективті абстракция

Name of a style of abstract art developed by a group of British artists in 1933. An exhibition titled Objective Abstraction was held in 1934 at the Zwemmer Gallery in London. The artists involved included Graham Bell, William Coldstream, Rodrigo Moynihan, and Geoffrey Tibble, and the exhibition was organised by Moynihan. Not included in this show but an important practitioner, was Edgar Hubert. On the other hand, works by non Objective Abstraction artists Ivon Hitchens, Victor Pasmore, and Ceri Richards, were added to the show by the gallery's director. Objective Abstraction was a non-geometric form of abstract art in which the painting evolved in an improvisatory way from freely applied brushstrokes. Moynihan was inspired by the brushwork in the late paintings of Turner and Monet. Objective Abstraction was part of the general ferment of exploration of abstraction in Britain in the early 1930s and was short-lived. A few years later many of these artists became members of the realist Euston Road School.

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