Accueil > Termes > Kazakh (KK) > құрылыс барысында пайдаланылған қорға рұқсат (ҚБПҚР)

құрылыс барысында пайдаланылған қорға рұқсат (ҚБПҚР)

AFUDC is a component of construction costs representing net cost of borrowed funds and a reasonable rate on other funds used during the period of construction. AFUDC is capitalized until the project is placed in operation by concurrent credits to the income statement and charges to utility plant, based generally on the amount expended to date on the particular project. Effective January 1, 1977, FERC amended the Uniform System of Accounts establishing formulas for maximum allowable AFUDC rates.

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  • Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Énergie
  • Catégorie : Gaz naturel
  • Company: AGA
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