Accueil > Termes > Macédonien (MK) > економии од обем

економии од обем

Bigger is better. In many industries, as output increases, the average cost of each unit produced falls. One reason is that overheads and other fixed costs can be spread over more units of output. However, getting bigger can also increase average costs (diseconomies of scale) because it is more difficult to manage a big operation, for instance.

  • Partie du discours : nom
  • Synonyme(s) :
  • Blossaire :
  • Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Economie
  • Catégorie : Économie
  • Company: The Economist
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Kristina Ivanovska
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Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Plans d'eau Catégorie : Rivers

Јангцекјанг (Јангце)

The longest river in Asia, and the ('''third-longest in the world'''). It flows for 6,418 kilometres (3,988 mi) from the glaciers on the Tibetan ...