Accueil > Termes > Croate serbo (SH) > bihejvioralna analiza
bihejvioralna analiza
1) Behavior analysis is a comprehensive experimental approach to the study of the behavior of organisms. Primary objectives are the discovery of principles and laws that govern behavior, the extension of these principles over species, and the development of an applied technology.
2) Breaking down complex behavior into its functional parts. A successful analysis should be able to produce the complex behavior by combining its parts in a behavior synthesis.
3) The study of the operation of the principles of behavior with both human beings and other animals.
4) The science of behavior change; the study of the functional relations between behavior and environmental events.
5) Researchers and practitioners of behavior analysis.
- Partie du discours : nom
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- Blossaire :
- Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Psychologie
- Catégorie : Analyses comportementales
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