Accueil > Termes > Serbe (SR) > A jezik, jezik na koji se prevodi
A jezik, jezik na koji se prevodi
The language or languages into which an interpreter is competent to interpret professionally.
The term 'A' language is also used in meetings to mean the target languages into which interpreting is provided. For example, in a convention where all presentations are given in English and interpretation is provided into German, Spanish and French these three would be the active languages and English would be the passive language.
- Partie du discours : nom
- Synonyme(s) :
- Blossaire :
- Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Traduction et localisation
- Catégorie : Internationalisation (I18N)
- Company:
- Produit :
- Acronyme-Abréviation :
Autres langues :
Les termes dans Actualités
Termes en vedette
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