Accueil > Termes > Serbe (SR) > Kejt Hadson
Kejt Hadson
Born Kate Garry Hudson (April 19, 1979),an American actress. She was first noted in 2001 after winning a Golden Globe and receiving several nominations, including a nomination for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress, for her role in Almost Famous. She then starred in the hit film How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days (2003) which gained her wider fame. She has since established herself in Hollywood after starring in several productions including Raising Helen (2004), The Skeleton Key (2005), You, Me and Dupree (2006), Fool's Gold (2008) and Bride Wars (2009).
- Partie du discours : nom propre
- Synonyme(s) :
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- Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Les gens
- Catégorie : Actrices
- Company:
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Termes en vedette
Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Arts et artisanat Catégorie : Peinture à l'huile
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