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Трка језика
One of the first online language competitions that allows users to add terms and definitions in their native languages at TermWiki.com in order to push them to the top of the most active language list. The winners are those languages that accumulate the most number of entries during the contest period.
Anyone can join the race by simply adding terms, definitions or translations in their native language. Like the Olympics for world sports and Oscars for motion pictures, The Language Race is designed to stoke passions among its participants to show pride in their mother tongue and to give the lesser known or even endangered languages a chance to move to the top of the “most popular language” list.
- Partie du discours : nom propre
- Synonyme(s) :
- Blossaire :
- Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Langue
- Catégorie : Terminologie
- Company:
- Produit :
- Acronyme-Abréviation :
Autres langues :
Les termes dans Actualités
Termes en vedette
A swimsuit designed for Muslim women, which covers the whole body apart from the face, hands and feet. Unlike a wetsuit, the burqini is designed from ...
Blossaires en vedette
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- Communication orale(29)
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- Communication postale(8)
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- Amélioration de l'habitat(270)
- Emprunt bancaire(171)
- Résidentiel(37)
- Corporatif(35)
- Commercial(31)
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- Engrais agricoles(10)
- Engrais de potassium(8)
- Herbicides(5)
- Fongicides(1)
- Insecticides(1)
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- Israeli history(1427)
- Histoire des Etats-Unis(1149)
- Médiévale(467)
- Nazi Germany(442)
- Histoire de l'Egypte(242)