Accueil > Termes > Serbe (SR) > хроматограф
An instrument used to analyze the make-up of various substances, and often used to determine the Btu content of natural gas. CI=Certificate (Independent Producer), CP=Certificate (Pipeline), CS=Certificate (Small Producer), FA=Financial Audits, GP=General Proceeding, GT=General Tariff Change, IN=Investigation, PL=General Policy, RI=Rates (Independent Producer), RM=Rulemaking, RP=Rates (Pipeline), SA=Staff Adjustments (NGPA), ST=Sales under 311(b), transportation under 311(a), assignments under 312 of NGPA, TA=Annual tracking filing, TC=Curtailment Tariff, TF=Tariff Filing, TM=Monthly tracking filing, TQ=Quarterly tracking filing
- Partie du discours : nom
- Synonyme(s) :
- Blossaire :
- Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Énergie
- Catégorie : Gaz naturel
- Company: AGA
- Produit :
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