Accueil > Termes > Serbe (SR) > трансплантација лица

трансплантација лица

A face transplant is a medical surgery that replaces all or parts of an individual's face. This surgery treats people with facial disfigurement due to trauma, burns, birth defects, or disease.

The first partial face transplant was on November 27, 2005, performed by Dr. Bernard Devauchelle and Dr. Jean-Michel Dubernard in France, on Isabelle Dinoire. The first full face transplant was performed by 30 Spanish doctors on March 20, 2010. About a dozen face transplants have taken place in history, in the US, France, Spain and China.

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  • Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Soins de santé
  • Catégorie : Chirurgie
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