Accueil > Termes > Serbe (SR) > гасификација


The process where biomass fuel is reacted with sub- stoichiometric quantities of air and oxygen usually under high pressure and temperature along with moisture to produce gas which contains hydrogen, methane, carbon monoxide, nitrogen, water and carbon dioxide. The gas can be burned directly in a boiler, or scrubbed and combusted in an engine-generator to produce electricity. The three types of gasification technologies available for biomass fuels are the fixed bed updraft, fixed bed downdraft and fluidized bed gasifiers. Gasification is also the production of synthetic gas from coal.

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анђео чувар

Анђео чувар је анђео додељен за заштиту и води одређену особу или групу, краљевство или земљу. Веровање у анђели чувари могу бити праћени кроз све ...