Accueil > Termes > Serbe (SR) > хипер-реализам


Term that appeared in the early 1970s to describe a resurgence of particularly high fidelity realism in sculpture and painting at that time. Also called Super-Realism, and in painting is synonymous with Photo-Realism. In sculpture the outstanding practitioner was Duane Hanson, together with John de Andrea. More recently the work of Ron Mueck and some of that of Robert Gober could be seen as Hyper-Realist. Leading painters were Chuck Close, Robert Bechtle, Richard Estes, Audrey Flack, Ralph Goings.

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Aleksandar Dimitrijević
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Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Les gens Catégorie : Sportifs

Новак Ђоковић

Српски тенисер и тренутно светски број 1, пошто је поразио Надала на Вимблдону 3. јула 2011. године, освојивши трећу Гренд Слем титулу. Рођен 1987. ...