Accueil > Termes > Serbe (SR) > тридесето-часовни сат

тридесето-часовни сат

A clock which requires to be wound daily, with a margin of generally something over six hours to allow for a delay in rewinding. In particular, the name is associated with longcase clocks of 30-hour duration as opposed to eight-day clocks. Such 30-hour clocks are fitted with an endless rope or chain, the single weight driving both the going and striking trains; consequently, their dials have no winding holes. If they do show winding squares, they are dummy squares intended to suggest that the clock is an eight-day type. It should not, however, be thought that the eight-day type is necessarily superior to the 30-hour, for 18th-century examples of the latter occur in high-quality finish with fine brass dials. There are advantages in daily winding: the clock will probably be checked more frequently, and the endless chain system provides its own maintaining power.

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