Accueil > Termes > Serbe (SR) > разноврсност


The electric utility system's load is madeup of many individual loads that make demands upon the system usually at different times of the day. The individual loads within the customer classes follow similar usage patterns, but these classes of service place different demands upon the facilities and the system grid. Theservice requirements of one electrical system can differ from another by time-of-day usage, facility usage, and/or demands placed upon the system grid.

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Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Boissons Catégorie : Cafés

Kафа - дуговечност

Поимање да редовно конзумирање кафе може продужити животни век. Четрнаестогодишња студија спроведена од стране Националног института за здравље и ...