Accueil > Catégories de produits > Carrières professionnelles

Carrières professionnelles

Relating ot he various professional career paths or positions that exist.

4Catégories 98269Termes

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Carrières professionnelles > Soldes


Carrières professionnelles; Soldes

A slowing of the economy characterised by falling prices and wages, the reverse of inflation.


Carrières professionnelles; Soldes

A social movement intended to safeguard the rights of consumers.


Carrières professionnelles; Soldes

A sample or early version of a new product made or built specifically for trialling and testing.


Carrières professionnelles; Soldes

Un vendeur ou un fournisseur.


Carrières professionnelles; Soldes

A reduction off the list price offered by a producer to a buyer, five types of discounts are common: trade, quantity, cash, seasonal and allowances.


Carrières professionnelles; Soldes

A total restriction on a particular good leaving or entering a county, any restriction imposed in the release of information, advertising, etc before a given date.


Carrières professionnelles; Soldes

Une entreprise produit promotionnel qui fabrique, importe, convertit, empreintes ou autrement produit ou processus de produits promotionnels proposés à la vente par ...