Accueil > Catégories de produits > Physique > Nanotechnology


Of or pertaining to the manipulation of matter on an atomic or molecular scale. More specifically, it is the science and technology of matter manipulation from 1 to 100 nanometers.

Contributors in Nanotechnologie



Physique; Nanotechnologie

Un dispositif ou une structure plus grande que l'échelle nanométrique (10 ^-9 m) et plus petit que le megascale ; la taille exacte dépend fortement du contexte et varie habituellement entre ...


Physique; Nanotechnologie

Les unités dont un polymère est construit.

calcul monomoleculaire

Physique; Nanotechnologie

the implantation inside a single molecule of ALL the functional groups or circuits to realize a calculation, without any help from external artifices such as re-configuration, calculation sharing ...


Physique; Nanotechnologie

Someone who circumvents government control to use nanotechnology, or someone who advocates this.


Physique; Nanotechnologie

The use of automatic law-enforcement by nanomachines or robots, without any human control - see blue goo .


Physique; Nanotechnologie

-- machines with atomic sized components. As to their weight, a popular question: "Do you 'feel' heavier after you drink a mouthful of water? A mouthful of water, roughly 5 cm^3, would have the same ...


Physique; Nanotechnologie

the Holy Grail of nanotechnology; once a perfected nanoassembler is availble, building anything becomes possible, with physics and the imagination the only limitation (of course each item would have ...

Blossaires en vedette

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