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Organic chemistry

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Organic chemistry


Chimie; Chimie organique

Any of the eight isomeric arrangements of the radical C 5 H 11 or a mixture of them. Also known as pentyl.


Chimie; Chimie organique

C 4 H 10 An alkane of which there are two isomers, n and isobutane; occurs in natural gas and is produced by cracking petroleum.


Chimie; Chimie organique

The radical (CH 3 ) 2 CH, from isopropane; an example of its occurrence is in isopropyl alcohol, (CH 3 ) 2 CHOH.

acétate d'amyle

Chimie; Chimie organique

CH 3 COO(CH 2 ) 2 CH(CH 3 ) 2 A colorless liquid, boiling at 142_C; soluble in alcohol and ether, slightly soluble in water; used in flavors and perfumes. Also known as banana oil; isoamyl acetate.

acétate d'isopropyle

Chimie; Chimie organique

CH 3 COOCH(CH 3 ) 2 A colorless, aromatic liquid with a boiling point of 89.4_C; used as a solvent and for paints and printing inks.

acide phénoxyacétique

Chimie; Chimie organique

C 6 H 5 OCH 2 COOH A light tan powder with a melting point of 98_C; soluble in ether, water, carbon disulfide, methanol, and glacial acetic acid; used in the manufacture of pharmaceuticals, ...


Chimie; Chimie organique

C 4 H 3 SCH 2 _ An organic radical based on methylthiophene; thus thenyl alcohol is also known as thiophenemethanol.

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