Accueil > Catégories de produits > Chimie > Organic chemistry

Organic chemistry

Contributors in Chimie organique

Organic chemistry

formiate de butyle

Chimie; Chimie organique

HCOOC 4 H 9 An ester of formic acid and butyl alcohol.

gas moutard distillé

Chimie; Chimie organique

Un produit d'action retard, (gas de moutard) distillé ou purifie pour reduire l'odeur et augmenter sa difficulte de détection.

acide mévalonique

Chimie; Chimie organique

HO 2 C 5 H 9 COOH A dihydroxy acid used in organic synthesis.

acide abiétique

Chimie; Chimie organique

C 20 H 30 O 2 A tricyclic, crystalline acid obtained from rosin; used in making esters for plasticizers.

acide crotonique

Chimie; Chimie organique

C 3 H 5 COOH An unsaturated acid, with colorless, monoclinic crystals, soluble in water; used in the preparation of synthetic resins, plasticizers, and pharmaceuticals.

alcool secondaire

Chimie; Chimie organique

An organic alcohol with molecular structure R 1 R 2 CHOH, where R 1 and R 2 designate either identical or different groups.

ion moléculaire

Chimie; Chimie organique

An ion that results from the loss of an electron by an organic molecule following bombardment with high-energy electrons during mass spectrometry.

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