Accueil > Catégories de produits > Chimie > Organic chemistry

Organic chemistry

Contributors in Chimie organique

Organic chemistry

acide dithioïque

Chimie; Chimie organique

An organic acid in which sulfur atoms have replaced both oxygen atoms of the carboxy group.

acide sélénonique

Chimie; Chimie organique

Any organic acid containing the radical_SeO 3 H; analogous to a sulfonic acid.


Chimie; Chimie organique

CH 2 OHCHOHCH 2 OH The simplest trihedric alcohol; when pure, it is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid with a sweet taste; it is completely soluble in water and alcohol but only partially soluble ...

acide phosphonique

Chimie; Chimie organique

ROP(OH) 2 , where R is an organic radical such as C 6 H 5 sw, as in phenylphosphonic acid.


Chimie; Chimie organique

OCH 2 OCHOCH 2 _ The functional group from glycerol, (CH 2 OH) 2 - CHOH.


Chimie; Chimie organique

Une amine composée qui a seulement un groupe amino.

acide butyrique

Chimie; Chimie organique

CH 3 CH 2 CH 2 COOH A colorless, combustible liquid with boiling point 163.5_C (757 mmHg); soluble in water, alcohol, and ether; used in synthesis of flavors, in pharmaceuticals, and in emulsifying ...

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