Accueil > Termes > Serbe (SR) > Естетски покрет

Естетски покрет

Flourished in Britain 1870s, 1880s. Important equally in fine and applied arts. Critic Walter Hamilton published book The Aesthetic Movement in England 1882. Cult of pure beauty in art and design. Rallying cry 'art for art's sake', meaning art foregrounding the purely visual and sensual, free of practical, moral or narrative considerations. In painting exemplified by Whistler and Albert Moore and certain works by Leighton. Important influence of Japan especially on Whistler and Aesthetic design. In applied arts part of revolution in design initiated by William Morris with foundation of Morris &Co in 1862. From 1875 commercialised by Liberty store in London, which later also popularised Art Nouveau.

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& Куот; Доминиони & куот; (Еф 1:21;. Кол.1,16) или 'Доминанти & куот; су представљени као хијерархији небеских бића & куот; Владавина ...