Accueil > Termes > Kazakh (KK) > қашықтықтан білім алу
қашықтықтан білім алу
Any format of education provided to students who do not need to be physically present at an institution; previously materials were sent to students but now materials are provided via computer conferencing, video, Internet, and other electronic means.
- Partie du discours : nom
- Synonyme(s) :
- Blossaire :
- Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Education
- Catégorie : Enseignement
- Company: Teachnology
- Produit :
- Acronyme-Abréviation :
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Тереза Скэнлан
The winner of the 2011 Miss America pageant. Scanlan, A 17-year-old and recent high school graduate from the western Nebraska town of Gering captured ...
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