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filter kafa
Is a form of coffee made with milk, sugar and coffee decoction. The name derives from the filter. A coffee filter is a coffee-brewing utensil, usually made of stainless steel. It is used to prepare filter coffee, the form of coffee common in India. It comprises two long cylindrical compartments with a lid, with a perforated bottom for the upper compartment. The upper compartment is half-filled with coffee powder (common varieties include Peaberry, Plantation-A and Robusta) and filled to the brim with boiling water. The decoction collected in the lower compartment is used to make filter coffee. This form of coffee is common throughout India and especially popular in the southern states of Karnataka.
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Ледено доба
Хладне фазе плеистоценске епохе, период екстремне осцилације у глобалној температури са одговарајућим ширењем и скупљањем поларних ледених покривача. ...
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