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latisnko pismo

The set of 26 characters (A–Z) inherited from the Roman Empire that, together with later additions, is used to write languages throughout Africa, the Americas, parts of Asia, Europe, and Oceania. The Windows Latin 1 character set covers Western European languages and languages that use the same alphabet, and the Latin 2 character set covers many languages in Central and Eastern Europe. In addition, there are other Windows code pages that support Turkic and Baltic languages written in the Latin script.

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Marija Horvat
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Secteur d’activité/Domaine : Les gens Catégorie : Musiciens

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John Lennon, (9. listopad 1940.-8. prosinac 1980.) bio je slavan i utjecajan glazbenik i kantautor koji je dostigao svjetsku slavu kao jedan od ...